Bodegas Cornelio en La Rioja. Vinos ecológicos de Rioja. Gama de vinos Cornelio y Vega Vella.

Vega Vella wines receives the Ecovino Awards 2023

Bodegas Cornelio en La Rioja. Vinos ecológicos de Rioja. Gama de vinos Cornelio y Vega Vella.

Our manager Jose Mari has attended to the Ecovino Awards 2023 ceremony held today at the Aula Magna of the Quintiliano Building of the University of La Rioja.

Thank you very much to all the attendees! And again many thanks to the Ecovino Awards for recognizing, year after year, the wine quality of our region and specifically that of our range of Vega Vella organic wines.

🏅Vega Vella blanco 2022
🏅Vega Vella blanco fermentado en barrica 2021
🏅Vega Vella graciano 2021
🏅Vega Vella tinto autor 2018
🏅Terra Vella Petra tinto crianza 2020
🎖️(Best Ecodesign) Terra Vella Petra tinto crianza 2020